Welcome to Tramhatch Garden


Formal and natural landscaping

The gardens at Tram Hatch are a wonderful combination of many types and styles of gardens. From the more formal planted beds, rose gardens and winding pergolas to the Orchards and specialist trees dotted throughout the property all inter mixed with stunning areas of more natural landscaping.  With lovely ponds thriving with wildlife and wild fauna along with the beautiful river banks planted with a variety of bulbs and allowed to grow wild attracting many different varieties of naturally growing plants, flowers and shrubs to the organic vegetable and fruit gardens.  Tram Hatch really does have a selection of all forms of garden landscaping to please the most discerning of visitor.

Bedding and backdrops

The bed in the picture highlights how we've attempted to blend a typical formal planted bed with more natural appearing (wild) flowers against a back-drop of hedging and lawn to give a more informal feel to the flow of the garden and lawned areas. 

Formal Rose Garden 

Visitors on one of our Summer tours looking and enjoying the formal Rose Garden setting.  The steel works were designed by us and built by a local firm, Hatch Engineering.  They are adorned with lovely David Austin English pink roses.  The rose display is in its own hedged garden, a feature we repeat throughout with many different 'secret' garden sections we've used to showcase different features and plants.

Center pieces - Folly's

Hidden away in the gardens we have sections set aside for different displays. Using statues and other centre pieces we have attempted to create small oasis's of varying heritage and exotic plants and flowers to create diversity.


River Banks and natural garden areas

One thing we always strive to do at Tram Hatch is to make use of our natural surroundings. Our latest project has been to reclaim the wild banks of the River Stour that run through the property and to tame this a little, adding paths to stroll, a small dam and, importantly, planting the banks with a blend of naturally occurring wild flowers as well as, various bulbs to enhance the colours over the course of the year.

Please bookmark us and check back for our latest news and schedules of events and activities. And; in the meantime, if you have any questions please email us direct on ... info@tramhatch.com



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